As a resident of Ohio, your furnace plays a critical role in the coziness of your home during the harsh winter months. There’s plenty of information out there concerning furnace upkeep and maintenance. However, it is so hard to know which of those tips are genuinely beneficial to your HVAC system or if they will just cost you money on the heating bill or in repair costs in the long run. Dont fret! Your Huber Heights Heating & Cooling service professionals have your back! Here are several top common furnace myths we have taken the liberty of debunking for you:


Thermostat Placement Doesn’t Matter

Thermostat placement is incredibly important if you want your HVAC system to run correctly. Location matters because where a thermostat is placed can affect the ability to read the temperature properly. For example, if a thermostat is positioned in an area that receives direct sunlight, it will be prone to false warm temperature readings. With this in mind, the same thing applies to spaces near a fireplace or areas right above vents and registers.

Seasonal Maintenance Isn’t Mandatory

Skipping maintenance checkups is one myth we cannot stress enough not to believe! Seasonal tune-ups & safety checks are crucial to the upkeep of your furnace. Your furnace should be serviced at least once a year before its first use of the season if possible. Our knowledgeable technicians highly recommend these maintenance appointments because it ensures everything is running as it should be and no unforeseen issues lie below the surface. In addition, your safety is our number one priority! So when you schedule a seasonal tune-up with us, our NATE-certified technicians will also run a safety check on your heating unit. If you have not had your furnace serviced this season yet, don’t worry; it’s not too late. You can call us at your convenience, and we would be happy to get you set up with an appointment.

Closing Vents Saves Money

If you have closed your vents or registers in the past in an attempt to save energy and money on your heating bill, we hate to inform you that this practice is unfortunately untrue. Furnaces are created to distribute circulated air throughout the home. If the airflow is closed off in certain areas, this allows pressure to build up and places strain on the furnace. Keep in mind that although the intention may have been well-intended, this furnace myth may eventually cause damage to your unit down the road. Because of this, we recommend keeping your vents and registers open and clear of any items blocking airflow.

Repeatedly Repairing the Furnace is Wiser

Here’s the thing, a repair is a great option when possible! However, always going through the repair route can cost you more money overall when issue after issue has been resolved by choosing to repair it instead. Older furnaces are not as energy-efficient as newer ones. Therefore, repairs tend to be more costly for older units. In the end, if you are choosing to fix a malfunctioning furnace over and over again, you may find yourself having spent more money than necessary as opposed to looking into a high-efficiency furnace for a replacement.

Be ready for whatever old man winter throws your way this season. Your furnace will thank you for it in the long run. Where your furnace is concerned, it pays off to know what is factual and false. The wrong information can cause more damage down the road, and Huber Heights Heating & Cooling wants the best for you, your home, and your family! If you need any assistance with your furnace, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Call us today at (937) 226-9675, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here