Stop Doing These Things That Lower Your Indoor Air Quality 

May 1, 2024 | Pollutants, Air Filters, Air Purifier, Airborne, Contaminants, Dehumidifier, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, iWave-r, Pollution, UV Lights, Whole-home

In recognition of National Clean Air Month, we at Huber Heights Heating & Cooling—your trusted experts—would like to emphasize the paramount importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) in your residence. It may come as a surprise, but indoor air can be up to five times more contaminated compared to outdoor air. Improving indoor air quality in your home is vital, especially considering the significant amount of time spent at home. We invite you to continue reading for an essential guide on the dos and don’ts of maintaining optimal indoor air quality. 

Culprits of Lowered Indoor Air Quality  

The following are some things that can reduce your home’s IAQ. These include but are not limited to: 

  • Accumulation of dust 
  • Presence of germs and viruses 
  • Growth of mold and mildew 
  • Odors from pets and pet dander 
  • Tobacco smoke 
  • Odors emanating from cooking 
  • Airborne chemicals 
  • Pollen 
  • Common household allergens 
  • High levels of humidity 

1. Stop Replacing Your Air Filters Late 

In the fast-paced nature of modern life, it’s quite common for certain tasks to be overlooked. However, there is one critical maintenance task that demands your attention – the regular replacement of your air filters. Air filters play a pivotal role in maintaining indoor air quality, efficiently filtering out dust, dirt, pollen, and various pollutants from the air we breathe in our homes and offices. Failing to replace these filters once they are saturated with particles can significantly reduce their effectiveness, leading to a decline in air quality and potentially impacting your health. 

Change Your Air Filters as Intended: To guarantee optimal air quality within your home, it is imperative to prioritize timely replacement of air filters. A general guideline is to replace your air filters every 1-2 months, though the specific interval may vary depending on the type of air filters you use.  

2. Stop Letting Odors Build Up   

Odor is a natural phenomenon and should not cause embarrassment. Whether you have odor emanating from the kitchen, pet odors, or really any other domestic endeavors, odors have the propensity to accumulate and linger in living areas, creating an unwelcoming environment and potentially diminishing the indoor air quality of a home. Furthermore, specific odors, if left unaddressed, may pose health hazards. For example, the potent chemicals present in numerous cleaning products are not ideal to regularly inhale. 

A Whole-Home Air Purifier: The iWave-R is a state-of-the-art solution for residential air purification requirements. It integrates seamlessly with existing HVAC systems and utilizes patented technology to efficiently purify indoor air, neutralizing odors, and harmful particulates with exceptional efficacy. One notable feature of the iWave-R that we really admire is its self-cleaning capability, which guarantees minimal maintenance and facilitates hassle-free operation. It stands as a commendable option for those seeking to effortlessly improve their indoor air quality. 


UV Lights: Another effective solution to enhance the air quality in your home is the installation of UV lights into your HVAC system. These UV lights are expertly installed within your air ducts to play a pivotal role in eliminating airborne pathogens BEFORE they can circulate throughout your living areas. On top of that, these UV bulbs are also notable for their low maintenance requirement, needing replacement only once every 2-3 years, thus ensuring that your home remains a safe and comfortable environment with minimal upkeep. 

3. Stop Letting Moisture Build Up    

Are you encountering excessive moisture within your home? It’s important to be aware that this can result in the growth of mold, which is known to pose significant risks to respiratory health, among other concerns. Monitoring moisture levels vigilantly is essential. This includes looking out for signs such as water stains on ceilings or walls, a continual musty odor, or condensation on windows. 

A Whole-Home Dehumidifier: If your residence experiences high humidity levels for any reason, the investment in a whole-home dehumidifier is a wise choice. Engineered to operate together with your current HVAC system, this nifty modern-day gadget effectively diminishes air moisture, preventing mold proliferation and improving your home’s overall indoor air quality.  

Raising your home’s indoor air quality is an achievable feat any homeowner can gain. You just have to know what your home’s IAQ needs are and what tools to utilize. Still not sold on the idea, but have more questions for us? Let’s talk! 

We’d love to be a part of your air quality journey! Call Huber Heights Heating & Cooling today at (937) 226-9675, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!